The Horses
What makes a therapy horse? Valley horses are healthy, well-trained, and even-tempered creatures.

Breed: Irish Sport Horse
Colour: Bay
Birthday: 2001
Bella is 21 years old and 15.2hh.
When Bella was younger, she did 3-day eventing (dressage, jumping and cross country). The past few years she has been just doing light trail rides.
Bella has a very silly personality. She loves having her whither scratched and playing with her lips.
Breed: POA
Colour: Bay
Birthday: 2003
Digger is a 19-year-old bay POA (Pony of the Americas). His birthday is May 26th, 2003
He’s 13hh.
Before coming to Valley, he did Level 2 dressage and worked at a therapy barn on Vancouver Island.
Digger enjoys taking long naps in the sand and eating all the grass he can.
Breed: Morgan Cross
Colour: Bay
Birthday: April 10th, 1998
She “smiles” almost every single time after she gets a treat.
She is owned by an wonderful lady who grew up with her and did many things with her (which is evident in her sweet nature and training), including drill team, trail riding, bareback riding, etc..
She has an *almost* identical twin at Valley (not actually related, but they look almost exactly alike except for the white spot on Gem’s forehead)! Can you guess which horse?
Breed: Norwegian Fjord Horse
Colour: Dun
Birthday: June 20th, 1996
She Is what we call a “bombproof” horse. There are VERY few things that scare her, making her a fantastic hippotherapy horse and a great horse for our younger/noisier riders.
Her nickname is Princess Fiona. <3
Breed: Morgan Cross
Colour: Bay
Birthday: July 16th, 1999
She loves cats (Atticus, standoffish little fella he is, does not love her back…. Hehe.).
She loves hanging out with her besties Fiona, Gem, and Rosie.
She has been with VTEA for a few years now.
She can be very stubborn (makes her riders work) but is a great therapy horse!
Breed: Norwegian Fjord Cross
Colour: Dun
Birthday: February 1st, 2014
He was born in 2014 and given the birthday February 1st, which is National Freedom Day.
In his off-duty time, he goes riding in the backcountry with his owner.
He came to us at just 6 years old and fit right into the program. He stands out for this because most horses take a lot of years before they have the experience and calm temperament that make them suitable for a therapeutic riding program.
He has a great likeness to the horse “Spirit” from Spirit Riding Free.
Breed: Quarter Horse x Morgan
Colour: Bay
Birthday: 2004
Austin was originally a family horse kept on a local farm. He was loved on by his family until they were no longer able to keep him.
His current owner purchased him and used him for pleasure riding. When the opportunity came to have him become a therapy horse, his owner jumped on it, and he's been at Valley for three years now.
He has taught a lot of beginner riders how to ride.
Breed: Paint x Draft
Birthday: 2008
Montana is 15 hh and built like a tank.
He was originally used for ranching but now his making the transition to becoming a therapy horse.
He is a very loving boy once you gain his trust.
He has a very long beautiful mane and forelock.
Breed: Quarter Horse
Colour: Chestnut
Birthday: May 19th, 2000.
Scoot was born in 2000 and, because his exact birthdate was unknown, he was given the date of National Scooter Day.
He is a former western horse.
He is used often for our independent riders.
Breed: Quarter Horse
Colour: Bay
Birthday: 1999
Bailey has a lookalike twin at VTEA…….. Gem! They can be told apart by the markings on their beautiful faces. Bailey is a bay from head to toe and Gem has a white star on her face.
Breed: Quarter Horse
Colour: Dun
Birthday: 2016
This mare’s birthday is May 3rd, 2016.
She’s 15hh and used to be a barrel racer.
An injury unfortunately ended her early barrel racing career so now she is loved on by all the young riders here at Valley.
Billie enjoys playing with any toys she can get her mouth on. Her favourite toy is a ball.
Breed: Buckskin
Colour: Arab/paint cross
Birthday: 2010
Jester is 12 years old and his birthday is May 27th, 2010.
He’s 15.3hh.
He was a very successful show horse in the Arab circuit; he joined western pleasure.
Jester is a very curious horse and loves learning new things.
TC * Retired *
It didn’t take long after TC’s arrival before he became the favourite of many. His calm, quiet, and quirky personality quickly made him a cornerstone of Valley’s programs and organization. He is a horse that we were able to put with clients of all ages and abilities and one who gave his all every time.
Over his many years at Valley he has taught countless riders to trot, canter, learn to use reins, and so much more! TC’s unrivaled ability to teach and connect with his riders has had an immense impact on their lives (and ours too!). We will miss him dearly but are so happy that he is going to a loving home.